Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kiara's Birthday

I don't think I can ever eat anything ever again...
So, today was a fun day, but I ate entirely too much!
It rained this morning, like really really hard... I was going to try to ride my bike, but decided it would be impossible. I brought my laptop with me for my history presentation, and had to do anything and everything within my power to keep it from getting wet. I have an umbrella, but it is rather small... How I ended up was with my backpack at my front (like a baby in my belly according to my friend), and my umbrella completely covering my backpack, and about a quarter of me. When I got to school I was completely soaked, and was cold all day, but at least my computer still works!
My first class today was History, and today everyone did their presentations. I have videos of other people's presentations, and I will definitely put one of them up on my facebook, it was particularly interesting... We also got our textbooks in History today :)
After that was English, and we just talked about Kokoro some more.
After that was my free period, when I should have been doing Calculus homework, but talked to friends instead. I finally got someone to skype with me! (Adam, you're awesome), so yeah, that was fun.
After that was lunch, and we went to a new restaurant today. It was a nice udon shop, not cold udon, but good, warm udon, and they had some vegetable tempura too, it was a delicious lunch! But I think that there is like a group of guys (from sya) that eat there everyday, and so they were trying to scare us out of eating there anymore. At least I think that's the reason, maybe they just felt like messing with us. But they were telling the girls, who all got meat in their udon, that the meat was dog meat, and then they were like "oh, you might have gotten the cat." One girl really believed them... They can be jerks sometimes...
After lunch was calculus and then Japanese, nothing interesting happened in either class today...
Today is Kiara's birhtday! so after school, we went to the station together (a bunch of us) and we went to a bakery at the station. We all bought pieces of cake, and I bought a piece for Kiara as my birthday present to her. For some reason the department store in the station was closed today... so we couldn't find a place to sit down and eat our cake. The elevators were being all weird, and in our attempts to get to the 7th floor, we ended up stuck on the 2nd. We just sat down on the floor and ate. (since the department store was closed, there was no one there). A few people came up the elevator while we were eating, and we all tried to stay super quiet, but we started laughing too much! Anyway, Kiara and I ate strawberry short cake, it was so delicious!!!
Also, Sami was really craving some french fries (again), so we went to a burger place at the station, and some of us bought some fries (including me :( ) and we sat there for a while and ate, we met some other sya people who were at the station while we were eating.
After I got home, I talked to my host dad a lot about all sorts of stuff. Oh, I told Fukutomi sensei about the Kofun I encountered yesterday, and she told me to ask my host dad about it, so I did that.
For dinner tonight we had Kimchi nabe, it was really really really good! but really spicy! My host dad kept laughing at me, because I went through like 4 cups of liquid with my dinner, I just couldn't handle the spicy-ness very well... but I assure you, it was delicious! After that, we had some pear. I am so full, I don't think I can ever eat again!


Elizabeth said...

So what about the main character in the story made you so mad? Also, what are "sya people?" Was the kimchi like the Korean version? It is spicy cabbage (and probably a couple of other vegetables) that is partially fermented.

annie.w said...

well basically the story is about this guy who goes to germany and falls in love, gets a girl pregnant, and then plans to leave her, and then his friend tells her, and she loses her mind, so then he leaves her.
SYA people are people doing School Year Abroad with me. My classmates.
Yes, it was the korean kimchi, but it was like in a soup? I've never had kimchi before, so I don't know if it's usually like that... but it was very good...

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