Tuesday, September 28, 2010

crazy day

Today was such a weird day....
This morning I pulled out some of my sweaters because autumn has come. I love sweaters, and even more than that, I love fall!
oh, side note about the seasons. I'm pretty sure that everyone knows seasons are sort of a big deal in Japan, but I never realized how abrupt the changes were from season to season. In Texas, for instance, it doesn't usually feel or look like fall until mid to late October. But here, the DAY AFTER the autumnal equinox it got cooler, no lie. And all sorts of things changed overnight. The menu at nakau changed, so it now includes some hot noodles instead of just cold ones. There was pumpkin ice cream at the baskin robins. People started wearing sweaters. It's so strange....
Anyway, so back to today... I got ready sort of slowly because I was pretty tired. My homework kept me up last night... My host dad left early this morning to go back to the hospital to stay with his friend, he'll be there for a few days again I think. So my host mom drove me to kida station, and I went to school the long way.
This morning, I definitely got on my most crowded train yet! It wasn't quite as crowded as those trains that you see in youtube videos where there are people pushers. But I definitely saw a guy who had to grab onto the frame above the door, and use that as leverage to push himself into the train. I felt super claustrophobic, especially since I'm kind of short... or I guess about as tall as most Japanese people... so I was like right with the crowd, I feel like if I was a little taller it wouldn't have been as bad...
When I got to Ichinomiya station it was drizzling, but it was already 8:30 (school starts at 9:00) and I didn't bring my computer today, so I just took my bike and got a little wet.
Fukutomi sensei was busy, and couldn't come to history today, so we watched some videos about the Asuka period, and then got assigned projects to do.
In English we did a little bit of SAT essay practice, then talked about grammar. Then we talked about A streetcar named desire.... ugh....
After that was my free period, during which I tried to do some SAT study, but ended up mostly just complaining about how much of a failure I am to Brendan (sorry Brendan)
After that was lunch. Shiori and I went back to that Udon place that had hot udon and yummy tempura. Mike, Ty, Brendan and Nick were there too (and got mad at us for being there) but we didn't talk to them. We didn't even leave the restaurant until like 10 minutes before lunch ended. We spent a lot of time talking!
When we got back to school, it was time for calculus, which was actually pretty funny today. At one point Kiara asked if we could do a problem together on the board rather than individually on paper, to which the teacher responded yes, and I said that writing on the board was so much fun. And then Kiara said that math was supposed to be done on white boards, not chalk boards, and this offended mr. H-P for some reason. He told us that a mathematician's only tools are chalk, a pencil and his/her brain. And then he came after Kiara with the chalk board eraser, and he asked her to hold out her hand, which she refused to do, and I was like dying of laughter. So she finally holds out her hand, and mr. H-P smacks her hand with the eraser so that all of the chalk dust gets on her hand. and in response to my laughter, Kiara said "keep laughing annie!" and came after me with her hand! After that we kept finding chalk all over us, and it just came out of nowhere! so Kiara decided that it was Ninja chalk, which she drew on the board:

And then mr. H-P drew a mustache on it:

Yeah, that was a fun class.
After that was Japanese, and I legit got like nothing done today.... I was sitting next to shiori, and we were talking like the whole time, b/c she was having some problems with her host family that I won't go into, and she is currently staying with mr. and mrs. H-P, so we decided that we would ask fukutomi sensei if she could stay with me until they find her a new host family, which we did after school. Fukutomi sensei seemed to think it was a good idea, so I'm inviting her to spend the night this weekend so that my host family can get to know her.
Today I had to walk home from Kida station by myself for the first time, and I was scared of having to do so in the dark, so I tried to leave early. But at Sukaguchi station I got confused again. AKA I second guessed myself. I literally stepped onto a train, and then stepped off because I wasn't sure if it was the right one... so, as I always do when I get lost on my way to or from school, I called Javi, who wouldn't answer his phone!!! why? you ask? because he was on that very train that I had just stepped off of! and he didn't want to talk on the phone while he was on the train! anyway, so I had to wait for the next one, and ended up walking home in the dark... but it was totally cool, I didn't get lost at all, and I didn't have a single annie-freak-out-moment after getting off the train at kida station.
As I mentioned before, my host dad wasn't home today, and my host mom was working at kumon, so I was by myself for dinner. My host mom had set out a whole meal for me, and it was so nicely set up, and she left me instructions on what to do. Probably the most delicious thing I've eaten all week: curry croquette. so good!
Sooo, now I'm going to try to be more productive... even though it's already 9:30... maybe I'll get something else done tonight... maybe....


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